“inspiration is for beginners. all the rest of us we go to work."

neuro norming scrolling stories very viral |

this website is expanding we are updating at the moment

An idea without a plan is just a wish. Our methods like Neuro Norming©, Mood Boarding and Scrolling Stories are essentials. Neuro Norming aligns knowledge about human cognition, enhancing resonance. Scrolling stories captivate with visual story telling, for seamless narrative flow. In Dieter Rams‘ style, a concise plan enriched by these methods realizes ideas elegantly, harmonizing form and function.

“inspiration is for beginners.
all the rest of us we go to work."


: audience moods form

What How Why: brand sprints orchestrate collaborative reflection, push teams through immersive  the design thinking sprints.

Dynamic workshops: ignite ideation, align visions, and propel decision-making.

is a informed brand strategy, a framework for innovation, rapid iteration, and team synergy.

“inspiration is for beginners.
all the rest of us we go to work."


: neuro aesthetics clever concepts

We developed a color neuro norming method, to find the corportae identity, that suits you best in your environment.

means aligning design strategies with human cognition to optimize user experiences.

aims to create designs that resonate with the brain’s processing perception, create harmony, enhancing usability and overall emotional engagement of the audience.


“inspiration is for beginners.
all the rest of us we go to work."


: finding forms engaging education supercharging scale

A lot of things are digitaly, remote, automated and ai. But we know, that the best way to start a project is in person with a workshop.

catalyze collaboration, align visions, and enhance communication, fostering efficient idea generation and decision-making.

Active engagement: ensures diverse perspectives are considered, contributing to more effective and informed product strategies.

project progress

step 1meeting up and get ready
step 2deep dive
step 3the deal
step 4launching project

develop and deploy​

„Empower your vision with our service –
we design, develop, and deploy tailored solutions for your digital success.“


These prices are a basic offers and orientation.
Let´s talk for your special needs and custom solutions.


Single Page
optional 100 € service fee / month
design mock up
development website
implementation live website


Single Use
4222 00
optional 250 € service fee / month
design concept
design protoyp
development website
set up domain mails
setting up seo
implementation live website

power pack

all in one
optional custom service fee / month
content concept
design concept
development webiste
setting up seo
implementing live website

from feel to form

© 2023